Presidente Seção Panamericana

Grand Master C. Ozuna

Keep on Fight. No Matter What!

História e Curriculo

Nasceu em San Pedro, Paraguai, em 30 de abril de 1958.

Em 1983, o Grão-Mestre Ozuna fundou a STF (Songahm Taekwondo Federation), que consistia em 10 países sul-americanos: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Equador, México, Paraguai, Panamá, Peru e Uruguai. Hoje, esses países têm um total de mais de 200 escolas ativas e mais de 120 clubes ativos. Em 1997, o Grão-Mestre Ozuna mudou-se para o sul da Flórida com sua família (esposa e três filhas). Aqui ele abriu e dirigiu 6 escolas comerciais ATA. Ao longo de sua carreira docente, ele criou instrutores que abriram mais de 50 escolas nos Estados Unidos e outras que se espalharam pelo mundo, incluindo países como Portugal, Espanha, Itália, Escócia e Japão. A partir de 20 de outubro de 2020, a maioria desses locais continuará a ser ativa sob o MAS (Sistema de Artes Marciais).

O Grande Mestre Ozuna tem um legado de faixas pretas sob sua instrução, incluindo suas três filhas: Alex (faixa preta 4º grau), Moira (faixa preta 5º grau) e Dafne (faixa preta 3º grau).

Seus alunos com melhor desempenho incluem: 4 mestres chefes (black belts do 8º grau), 14 mestres sênior (black belts do 7º grau), 40 mestres (black belts do 6º grau) e mais de 300 instrutores certificados em todo o mundo.

Grande Mestre em TaeKwonDo Moo Duk Kwan

Certificado pelo presidente Jae-Kyu Chon, 2019

Grão-mestre em Songham Taekwondo, certificado pela ATA, 2019

Faixa Preta 4º Grau em I.T.F, 1981

Faixa Preta na Federação Mundial de Taekwondo

  • Tática de controle de ponto de pressão (PPCT)
  • Manipulação Articular
  • Luta de solo
  • Sshan jeol bong (Nunchaku) simples e duplo
  • Bahn Mang Ee simples e duplo (stick Escrima / Kali)
  • Gumdo (espada)
  • Ssahng Nat (Kama)
  • Defesa de faca espontânea
  • Tai chi
  • Bastão Longo

1970-1975 Liceu francês de Assunção, Paraguai

1976-1979 University of the Pacific, Stockton California B.A. em relações públicas e administração de empresas (gestão de pessoal)

1979-1980 Schiller College, Europe University, Paris-França, MBA International Business Administration, Finance

1980-1981 Schiller College, Heidelberg, Alemanha Doutorado em Finanças e Marketing.

Espanhol, inglês, francês, italiano, português e guarani

1958 Paraguay
Born In April 30th 1958
1969 Moo Duk Kwan
Began Martial Arts (Moo Duk Kwan) in Asunción with Mr. Myung Duk Sun

Outro fato a ter em conta é que Myung Duk Sun foi o primeiro taekwondo a chegar à América do Sul, no Paraguai em 1966. (Galarraga, 2020 El Poder del Guerrero)

1975 Tested
1st Degree Black Belt

Moved to California for College

1976 Sacramento, CA
Grand Master Clint Robinson

During College in Stockton, taught and trained Taekwondo and Hap-Kido. Met Grand  Master Clint Robinson who at that time worked with the ATA and started to train  with him in Sacramento, California

1976 Tested
2nd Degree Black Belt
1978 Tested
3rd Degree Black Belt
Tested for 3rd Degree Black belt in Sacramento and met Eternal Grand Master H.U. Lee. for the first time.
1978 Tournament
I.T.F. World Championship

Participated in the I.T.F. World Championship in Oklahoma and got 1st place in team board breaking and 3rd in jump side kick over obstacle

1979 Graduate
Business Administration

University of the Pacific, Stockton California B.A. in Public Relations and Business Administration (Personnel Management)

1979 Tournament
Professional Kickboxing

While living in California ('75-'79) participated in 11 Professional Kickboxing matches, 10 wins and 1 tie

1980 MBA
International Business Administration
Schiller College, Europe University, Paris-France, MBA International Business Administration, Finance
1981 Doctorade
Finance and Marketing

Schiller College, Heidelberg, Germany Doctorate Degree in Finance and Marketing

1981 Tournament
ITF World Championships

Went back to Paraguay and was named the head coach for the Paraguay I.T.F team that participated at the World Championships in Argentina getting 1st place in team sparring and 3rd in team forms

1981 Tested
4th Degree Black Belt
Tested for 4th Degree under General Choi Hong Hi of I.T.F
1982 First School
First School Opened
Opened first individually owned school and decided to teach the ATA System but continued to have a world view of martial arts
1983 STF
Songahm Taekwondo Federation

Co-Founder and President of Songahm Taekwondo Federation (STF) alongside Eternal Grand Master H.U. Lee

1983 Copenhagem - Denmark
WTF World Championships

Honored to coach the W.T.F. Team of Paraguay at the World Championship in Copenhagen, Denmark

1983 Kukkiwon
2nd Degree Kukkiwon
1984 ATA
Fourth Degree Songahm
1984 Goal
GM Clint Robinson

Opened 7 martial arts schools with over 400 students under the ATA system

ATA implements new forms and GM Ozuna visited ATA Headquarters for first time to learn all the new Songahm forms

GM Clint Robinson visited Paraguay to judge high rank testing


Participated in different types of tournaments in South America including Taekwondo I.T.F, W.T., Shotokan Karate and other open styles. Out of 50 tournaments won 48 of them

1985 The accident
The Accident

Was involved in a car accident which resulted in the loss of his left eye, left his wife comatose for 1 week with a year long recuperation,
and the passing of their 2 year old daughter, Irene, and his mother-in-law.

Stopped teaching for 5 months and then had the second visit from GM Robinson to Paraguay.  At this time he had 11 schools open and over 1,000 active students

1986 Little Rock
The Summer Camp

Had a great first experience in the Taekwondo Summer Camp in Little Rock, Arkansas

1987 Asuncion
South American Instructor Camp

Held first South American Instructor Camp in Asuncion with 105 participants. Special guests included: Eternal GM H.U. Lee, GM Robert Allemier and GM M.K. Lee, and GM Jack Pierce who all visited Paraguay for the first time due to this event

1987 Hae In Temple
Korean Martial Arts Camp

Participated in the famous Korean Martial Arts Camp at the Hae In Temple

1988 Tested
5th Degree Black Belt

Tested for 5th Degree, competed for the first time after the car accident and got 3rd in
form and sparring at the World Championships in Little Rock

1988 Paraguay
STF Instructor Camp

Held STF Instructor Camp with Eternal GM H.U. Lee, GM Soon Ho, and Mr. Dale Craig

1988 STF
Welcome Chile, Argentina, and Brazil

This year, the first 3 South American countries besides Paraguay joined STF: Chile and Argentina, and by the end of the year Brazil joined as well

1988 Little Rock
ATA World Championship

The first 4 highest ranked students tested at the ATA World Championships held in Little Rock, Arkansas:
CM Gregorio Diaz, CM Teofilo Barrios, CM Agustin Garay, and CM Sergio Von Schmeling

1991 STF
Welcome Peru

This year Peru joined STF, becoming the 4th South American country to work under GM Ozuna

1992 STF
Welcome Uruguay

Uruguay joins STF as the 5th country to work under GM Ozuna

1992 Foz do Iguaçu - Brazil
STF - International Tournament

Held first International Tournament in Foz do Iguassu, Brazil. Several ATA Black Belts from the United States attended this tournament, along with over 800 South American STF Black Belts

1993 STF
Welcome Venezuela

This year Venezuela joins STF, becoming the 6th South American country to work under GM Ozuna

1993 Tested
6th Degree Black Belt

Tested for 6th Degree Black Belt at ATA World Championship High Rank Testing in Little Rock, Arkansas

1994 Master
Master Instructor

Earns the title of Master Instructor, becoming the first STF Master of South America by undergoing the 9 steps of the Master Ceremony

1994 STF
President STF South America
1999 Tested
7th Degree Black Belt

Tested for 7th Degree Black Belt at ATA World Championship High Rank Testing in Little Rock, Arkansas

2000 Senior Master
Senior Master Instructor

Earns the title of Senior Master Instructor by undergoing the 9 steps of the Senior Master Ceremony

2005 Tested
8th Degree Black Belt

Tested for 8th Degree Black Belt at ATA World  Championship High Rank Testing in Little Rock, Arkansas

2006 Chief Master
Chief Master Instructor

Earns the title of Chief Master Instructor by undergoing the 9 steps of the Chief Master Ceremony

2008 Asuncion
PANAM - Paraguay

International STF Tournament adopts title of "PANAM Tournament" and is held in Asuncion, Paraguay

690 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2009 Montevideo
PANAM - Uruguay

PANAM Tournament held in Montevideo, Uruguay

780 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2010 Mendoza
PANAM - Argentina

PANAM Tournament and Vision Tour held in Mendoza, Argentina

890 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2011 Curitiba
PANAM - Brazil

PANAM Tournament held in Curitiba, Brazil

824 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2012 Santiago
PANAM - Chile

PANAM Tournament held in Santiago, Chile

1500 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2013 Foz do Iguassu
PANAM - Brazil

PANAM Tournament held in Foz do Iguassu

970 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2014 Florianopolis
PANAM - Brazil

PANAM Tournament held Florianopolis, Brazil

1084 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2015 Santiago
PANAM - Chile

PANAM Tournament held in Santiago, Chile

1900 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2015 ASAM
Hall of Fame

Hall da Fama ASAM - Asociación Sudamericana de Artes Marciales

2016 Battle
Battled and Overcame Cancer

Was diagnosed with cancer in March of 2016

Went through chemotherapy sessions and overcame cancer by September of 2016

2016 Punta del Este
PANAM - Uruguay

PANAM Tournament held in Punta del Este, Uruguay

1100 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2017 Lima
PANAM - Peru

PANAM Tournament held in Lima, Peru

1400 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2018 Tested
9th Degree Black Belt

Tested for 9th Degree Black Belt at ATA World Championship High Rank Testing in Little Rock, Arkansas

2018 Resistencia
PANAM - Argentina

PANAM Tournament held in Resistencia, Argentina

980 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2019 Grand Master
Grand Master instructor

Earns the title of Grand Master Instructor by undergoing the 9 steps of the Grand Master Ceremony

2019 Asuncion
PANAM - Paraguay

PANAM Tournament held in Asuncion, Paraguay, GM Ozuna's home country, to honor and celebrate his 50th year anniversary of martial arts training

1200 competitors from the United States and South America attended

2019 Grand Master
Became a Grand Master (9th Degree) in Korean Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan by President Jae-Kyu, Chon
October 2020 MAS International
Martial Arts System

MAS becomes an International Style of Martial Arts led by Grand Master Ozuna